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CCOA COMMITTEES (* denotes chairpersons)

Building & Grounds                      Elections          
Board Liaison - Jack Couch                   Board Liaison - Joanie McCord
                                                              *Barbara Edwards, Lot 15
Snook Cipolletti, Lot 117                         Maria Hunt, Lot 75
Steve Agent, Lots 221/213                      Ellie Reiser, Lot 143
Martha Gallagher, Lot 64                        Sarah Schaab, Lot 306
Karen Goler, Lot 109/110                        Karen Langtry, Lots 73/74
Bylaws                                            Finance
Board Liaison - Don Henning                  Board Liaison - Kristi Davis
*Joanie McCord, Lot 143                        *Denise Knapp, Lots 16/46 
Becky Schmidt, Lot 54                            Carol Farren, Lot 13
Ellie Reiser, Lot 143                                Mark Smith, Lots 247/250
Don Henning, Lot 31                               Don Henning, Lot 31
Tammy McGhee, Lot 65                                                          

​Condo Dec Committee
Board Liaison - Joanie McCord
Joanie McCord, Lot 143
Pete Neff, Lot 99
Kay Jenkins, Lot 
Martha Gallagher, Lot 64

Revive & Thrive
Board Liaison - Jack Couch
*Megan Gulley, Lot 251
Jaime Larsen, Lot 139
Lori Naranjo, Lot 140
Amy Volturo, Lot 141
Peggy Gulley, Lot 157
Capital Expenditures
Board Liaison- Ben Althoff
George Price, Lot 253

Board Liaison - Jody Juneau
*Ben Althoff, Lots 153/163/221
Grant Goler, Lot 109/110 
Jim Schmidt, Lot 30/54 
David Schmidt, Lot 50

FireWise Committee
Board Liaison - Jody Juneau
Carol Farren, Lot 13
Colee Kindall, CCOA Manager
Social Committee
Board Liaison, Jody Juneau
Jerri Munson, Lot 213
Mary Velasquez, Lot 11